Friday, March 31, 2017

Dead Skin

Oh hey there,
Just a few minutes ago I had the opportunity to file off the dead skin that built itself up on the bottom of my foot. Yes it was rough but it was needed. I compare this experience to what I need to do in my life. It's time for me to file off all the dead and unnecessary skin in my life. It's not healthy for me anymore and I deserve better. I'm not gonna let this dead skin consume me. I have made the decision to be done and make my life better. I have to stop snooping around this dead skin and seeing how it's doing because it is simply dead to me. It doesn't concern me anymore and that's okay, I don't want or need it to. So here's to filing off all the dead skin in my life! Here's to a happy life once and for all! Cheers my friends. Much love to you all. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. my foot is actually really soft right now. so hate away.
P.P.S. Larry loves Sam Sanchez the most..he just told me :( ((maybe time to split up?))

Thursday, March 30, 2017


To those who care are reading this,
My heart has found another heart to yearn for. I truly feel like a deer in the highlights of love. At this moment in my life I am happy. Over this year I have been wrecked and stomped on by that one kid who actually doesn't deserve all that the species has to offer but today I have found a new source of happiness and life is good. The only bad thing is he doesn't approve of two of my favorite rock bands and my heart is a little uneasy about that but despite that flaw my heart continues to go for this other heart anyway. I'm now going to continue my nightly routine of lighting candles next to King Caden's picture. Shout-out to my three amigas who are hopefully reading this and my amigo who I cherish. ;) 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm dreaming of Californication right now
P.P.S. Still waiting on those edible candles and nugs!!
P.P.P.S. Larry says hi

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Hello loves,
Today I had a long discussion with my best friend about candles. Bottom line is I love candles they smell great and I wish the wax was edible. Honestly my life would be very complete if I could taste and eat the goodness of the Boardwalk candle. Ugh someone make my dreams come true!!!! Bless up fam.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm trying to make this blog a thing again. Please motivate me.
P.P.S. Someone send me nugs!!!