Wednesday, September 2, 2015


My name is NOT Monica.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. suck on that salmon

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Sometimes in my free time I like to pretend I speak Spanish. At work today whenever the Hispanic ladies would laugh and make jokes in Spanish I would just start smiling and laughing. They just stared at me. It was weird. But hey I'm kinda making friends?
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Maybe they were judging me. I hope they don't find out that I can't actually speak Spanish. That would be awkward.

Monday, August 31, 2015


Wanna make this sweet and short. You're all perfect in Jmillz' eyes so stop trying so hard. I love you. You're all beautiful and smart and talented and I'm so blessed to know you guys. Thank you for all that you do. You're amazing.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Was that short n sweet enough?
P.P.S. The praying mantis has brought me no greatness yet :/

Saturday, August 29, 2015

No pain no game

You know it was a great and long day when your ankle hurts like hell!! I'm finally sitting down for the first time in forever and its great yet still painful. Someone make my ankle feel better. Thank you. Today was a great day though. I made great friends and I also scared my fellow employees at work. :) I went crazy. Species came out. People ran away in fear. Jmillz stood there and laughed and laughed and laughed. hehehehahahahamuahaha. Looked like that but with some whale noises in there too. I kinda suck at writing posts but know I love you and I think of you often. ;)
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. After work today there was a freaking praying mantis on my ghetto car and now i'm convinced something great is going to happen to me. SO LEGGO!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Night Lights Yes Please.

Tonight I witnessed a football game. It was loud. It was scary. Yet, it was wonderful. I bumped into many old friends there and a very dear friend close to my heart was there and she asked ME to take a picture with her. WOAH. As a homeschooler, I must say i felt very welcomed and loved into this atmosphere. I even had my heart stolen by this fine piece of bacon at the game. He's amazing. and I love life. Thank you school-goers for making a non-school-goer's day. God Bless. Oh, I think we won by the way.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I know and understand this is short but I have no words for how awesome tonight was. so YAH.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Giraffes got no aff

Hello friends,
Today I blog about a new thing I learned. One of my colleagues was making weird noises this evening and I was like "what was that" and he said "It's a giraffe." I was thrown off by this because I've never heard a giraffe make a noise. I didn't even know they made noises. like what. When I arrived home, I spent 2 hours researching this interesting fact. And sure enough, giraffes DO make noises. It's beautiful.
OK, WAIT A MINUTE HOLD UP. apparently my research isn't done yet because these two ladies think that you can't hear a giraffe noise.
hmmm. I shall now create a voting poll for all followers of this blog. Do giraffes make noise? Or do they NOT make noise?
Comments your thoughts!
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. What would YOU like Jmillz to discuss next?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Hi guys!!
My name is Tiffany! JOKES! I'm JMILLZ. I'm the fun groovy chick straight outta Hampshire!! I love cats and my main girl Emma. A little about me, I actually started my blogger roots out as a cat blogger but now I have matured and appreciate other things of the world such as Alpacas and icecream. I have my own school called "Jmills: Academy of peeing in rivers for 30 seconds straight and attracting fishies" as well as my secret boyfriend Larry. He is a fireman and he likes to bring me donuts with sprinkles on them at 5:57am each day. I have been through a lot in my years as a Jmillz species but I truly appreciate life.
Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you will be joining my life journey through this sad and amazing world. God bless and GO JMILLZ!

hehe whale bye now!-Jmillz
P.S. I don't love you. (because I don't know you) ((I will probably love you though because I love EVERYONE)) So i guess scratch that I don't love you because I DO LOVE YOU!! hehe