Saturday, August 29, 2015

No pain no game

You know it was a great and long day when your ankle hurts like hell!! I'm finally sitting down for the first time in forever and its great yet still painful. Someone make my ankle feel better. Thank you. Today was a great day though. I made great friends and I also scared my fellow employees at work. :) I went crazy. Species came out. People ran away in fear. Jmillz stood there and laughed and laughed and laughed. hehehehahahahamuahaha. Looked like that but with some whale noises in there too. I kinda suck at writing posts but know I love you and I think of you often. ;)
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. After work today there was a freaking praying mantis on my ghetto car and now i'm convinced something great is going to happen to me. SO LEGGO!!!!

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