Monday, April 17, 2017


hi friends,
please listen to Kendrick's new album bc it's lit and i can't stop listening to it. 
That's literally all i gotta say. I think. Idk today was boring. I cleaned my room and it got messier. 
It sucks dudes. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. DNA. is the real jam rn

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Happiest of Easters to you. Today was pretty fun. 
A dear friend of mine asked what exactly is reality? I wanna know what others would answer to this. I lowkey think  reality is that time between life and death where right when you're born you struggle to make everyone happy by slowly killing yourself to death. We don't have much time here on earth and i hate that i waste all this time and energy investesting in other people. People who don't even give two shits about me and always bring me down. Like why? Why are we killing ourselves slowly to provide happiness for others? Shouldn't we be spending all this time and energy in bettering ourselves and finding happiness for ourselves? And not others? Why are we killing ourselves to make others happy? Maybe finding that happiness is within an other person who cares but where is that person at? Why is finding happiness hard sometimes? So weird. Late night thoughts is also what kills me. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm watching Beauty and the Beast right now
P.P.S. Waffles or Pancakes ?

Friday, April 14, 2017


This happened today!!! 

hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Life is good. 
P.P.S. Kyle loves me more than Cassie 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

judge me

I am obsessed with all the Kardashians and have been for a while now. I just wanted to come out and say that to all my dear followers. I hope this doesn't make you look at me differently. I will never not be obsessed with them. They make my heart happy. And that's all that matters. Please don't judge me too much. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Scott is actually my fave tho
P.P.S. i'm sad about hawks game

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


alpacas are great and so are you
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. i love you 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


To those reading this shitty blog,
Today was a day and I am very grateful it's over and I hope tomorrow isn't like today. Ya feel? Anyway I just had a very deep conversation about peppa pigs with the people I love the most and you can see the whole convo here. If the link doesn't work then dang you're missing out. My siblings are forcing me against my will to buy them all candy tomorrow. What do I do in this situation? pls send help. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Maroon 5 is currently what I'm listening to 
P.P.S. My phone is being a butt so if you text me and I don't reply it's because I'm not receiving your message..Jmillz is sorry.

About Last Night..Pt 2.

I really have no excuse for not posting last night. I was lazy and didn't feel like posting more boring stuff like now...but here you go anyway.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I miss Cheyanne and Larry :'(

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Oddly Satisifying

Hi there,
Today I had some pie and it was oddly satisfying even though it looked hideous and tasted strange. I still ate it anyway because I was hungry and that is all I had in front of me. Pie actually confuses me though. Like what is it exactly and why are some pies hot and some pies cold? Anyway I also jammed to '1985' by Bowling For Soup and that was lit. Pretty boring day here but aren't they all boring? Blahh life is like a baseball game..sometimes you hit a freaking home run and sometimes you strikeout and lose but like that's okay. There's always next game.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. my face hurts and yes I hope it's killing you too.
P.P.S. I'm halfway through consuming a whole bag of chocolate.🍫😛

Friday, April 7, 2017


Hey frands,
Today while taking my test, I looked up and saw a super edgy teenager and now I'm both scarred and scared. But also lowkey wanna be his friend. I now ask all my followers, what would you do in my position? Like if I see him again do I confront him and force my friendship upon him or do I just smile and keep walking? I'm very socially awkward and just don't know what to do. Please help me.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I found a Sprite can in my desk and it's expired by a year.
P.P.S. I didn't know soda expired. 
P.P.P.S. This post was v short bc I am v lazy :)

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Today I was going through my liked videos on youtube and I came across the weirdest things and it made me really judge myself and truly feel sorry for those friends who I scarred with these interesting videos. I apologize to whoever had to deal with them (Bella..Emma..Samantha..Larry..). Like yikes dude. Also today a voice from the past came and totally wrecked me again and I just don't understand why this voice still has power over me to do that? Like what the heckers?! But don't worry friends life is still gucci and Alex is still my boyfriend. OH I HAD A BURGER TODAY WITH PINEAPPLE ON IT AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE HATE PINEAPPLE. It's truly the most magical food in the world and if you don't agree with me then BYE BYE BYE (cept not really cuz i'll miss you). I literally have nothing else to say right now. I'm so sorry. 
hehe whale bye now!

P.S. Enjoy this trippy hip Pineapple
P.P.S. I'm never really sure what to write exactly in these posts. They're either really good or really shitty like this one. HA. But at least I still write everyday. #Bless

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Hi all,
As some of you may know..I am obsessed with Christmas and everything about it. It's the most magical time of the year and It makes me super happy. As of today, Christmas music is now in my playlists that I listen to everyday. Some of you think I'm insane and I don't know why. If it were up to me, we all would be celebrating Christmas all day everyday. Heck I still got my tree down and it's not being put back in that attic ever. I have a glimpse of Christmas everyday through that and through my Christmas jams. Why do you people want me to put it all away? WHY DO YOU WANT MY HAPPINESS TO GO AWAY? Is there even a 'right' time to bring all these decorations out and is there even a 'perfect' time to start celebrating? Like why not start now? We're only 264 days away.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I really just want people to appreciate Christmas more
P.P.S. Also craving a peppermint mocha right now..helppppp.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Today I shall tell you the story of how I lost $16.17 at some store called 'Lush.' Now my friend and I were strolling through this huge ass mall and we stumbled across a store which I personally had never been in. So we go in and it smells magical and unique and the place is just totally boujee. So I start looking at these things called bath bombs and I'm intrigued. My friend was also intrigued I believe. Anyway here we are just minding our own business and this lady starts talking to us about the wonders of all the products there and even shows us a demo of a bath bomb. It was very cool but I realized I had reached the point of no return. Like this worker lady just spent all her time and effort on us showing us these products and now I knew I had to buy something. Like you can't just leave empty handed at that point. SOOOOOOOOOO. I looked around and found some bath bomb to help with stress and to relax and I was gonna give it to my friend because like she's planning a wedding and that's stressful but she ended up being allergic to an ingredient in it and couldn't even use it BUT ANYWAYYYY I picked it up and went to purchase it and escape that store and of course when I'm checking out the cashier asks if I would like to buy a small lotion and it profits charity work and stuff and I'm a sucker for that and can't say no to help those in need so I spend more money buying that. I lost money that day and now the products I bought still sit in a bag on my desk and  just stares at me and laughs at me all day long. And that my friends is how I lost $16.17 at some store called 'Lush.'
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I don't even have a freaking bathtub. If anyone wants a bath bomb...hit me up!!
P.P.S. Take the lotion too!

Monday, April 3, 2017


Today was pretty okay. I babysat for like 8 hours and watched Magic School Bus for like 10. and then later on I visited the old watering hole and saw some bright smiling faces that I love and miss so much. The watering hole is yuck but the faces that come there are beautiful. I also listened to a lot of great rap music. Because rap is so so beautiful. My most favorite part of the day though was being reunited with the Chipotle. I had a burrito bowl but I also got chips and I think that was the best thing ever. There's something so wonderful and magical about Chipotle's chips and I just don't understand. The whole bag I had too was just incredible and I've never experienced so much joy from food before. It was quite overwhelming. Makes me really believe that God is actually looking out for me and blessing me with this goodness. wowzah. Ok I really got nothing else for this post because I'm lame af.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm a strong believer that if your child is almost 3 years old and is still wearing a diaper, there's a freaking issue. That $h*t nasty. Literally. Like the kid didn't even know what a toilet was. But whatever.
P.P.S. Larry came back!!!! He told me Sam is second now to EMMA FREAKIN LEUER. But he still came back :')

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Hi followers,
My post on March 30th titled "Yearn" I mentioned a heart that my heart was yearning for so I thought I'd update you all on how that's going. It's not. I decided that that heart wasn't the one heart my heart was yearning for. And yes a big part of it was due to his music taste but it's whatever. Sometimes it's best to wait ya know and not rush into it. Cuz if you rush into things he could end up being gay and then break up with you over snapchat in your most favorite location on earth. So yes go heart you wait. Here's to all my besties, you all deserve the best. Don't freaking settle. Or else I'll fight you.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Send me candles
P.P.S. Hi Alex

About Last Night..

Hello all,
As some of you pointed out, I did NOT make a post on here last night and I feel like I have failed all of you so I apologize. Last night I was jamming hardcore to some crappy music and dancing with some very odd but enjoyable people. My ears are still ringing but I had a killer time and my heart is full. This morning I woke up happy and I also ate a bagel. Species is happy. Have a wonderful Sunday friends!
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. Larry hasn't come home yet. Someone help find him. I is worried :/