Monday, April 3, 2017


Today was pretty okay. I babysat for like 8 hours and watched Magic School Bus for like 10. and then later on I visited the old watering hole and saw some bright smiling faces that I love and miss so much. The watering hole is yuck but the faces that come there are beautiful. I also listened to a lot of great rap music. Because rap is so so beautiful. My most favorite part of the day though was being reunited with the Chipotle. I had a burrito bowl but I also got chips and I think that was the best thing ever. There's something so wonderful and magical about Chipotle's chips and I just don't understand. The whole bag I had too was just incredible and I've never experienced so much joy from food before. It was quite overwhelming. Makes me really believe that God is actually looking out for me and blessing me with this goodness. wowzah. Ok I really got nothing else for this post because I'm lame af.
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm a strong believer that if your child is almost 3 years old and is still wearing a diaper, there's a freaking issue. That $h*t nasty. Literally. Like the kid didn't even know what a toilet was. But whatever.
P.P.S. Larry came back!!!! He told me Sam is second now to EMMA FREAKIN LEUER. But he still came back :')

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