Thursday, April 6, 2017


Today I was going through my liked videos on youtube and I came across the weirdest things and it made me really judge myself and truly feel sorry for those friends who I scarred with these interesting videos. I apologize to whoever had to deal with them (Bella..Emma..Samantha..Larry..). Like yikes dude. Also today a voice from the past came and totally wrecked me again and I just don't understand why this voice still has power over me to do that? Like what the heckers?! But don't worry friends life is still gucci and Alex is still my boyfriend. OH I HAD A BURGER TODAY WITH PINEAPPLE ON IT AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE HATE PINEAPPLE. It's truly the most magical food in the world and if you don't agree with me then BYE BYE BYE (cept not really cuz i'll miss you). I literally have nothing else to say right now. I'm so sorry. 
hehe whale bye now!

P.S. Enjoy this trippy hip Pineapple
P.P.S. I'm never really sure what to write exactly in these posts. They're either really good or really shitty like this one. HA. But at least I still write everyday. #Bless

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