Sunday, April 16, 2017


Happiest of Easters to you. Today was pretty fun. 
A dear friend of mine asked what exactly is reality? I wanna know what others would answer to this. I lowkey think  reality is that time between life and death where right when you're born you struggle to make everyone happy by slowly killing yourself to death. We don't have much time here on earth and i hate that i waste all this time and energy investesting in other people. People who don't even give two shits about me and always bring me down. Like why? Why are we killing ourselves slowly to provide happiness for others? Shouldn't we be spending all this time and energy in bettering ourselves and finding happiness for ourselves? And not others? Why are we killing ourselves to make others happy? Maybe finding that happiness is within an other person who cares but where is that person at? Why is finding happiness hard sometimes? So weird. Late night thoughts is also what kills me. 
hehe whale bye now!
P.S. I'm watching Beauty and the Beast right now
P.P.S. Waffles or Pancakes ?

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